Ecotherapy, full program
Level 1, 2 et 3
Remote and in-person training - Montreal
50 hours of continuing education
Remote Dates:
12 hours of online training must be completed between registration and the face-to-face meeting. This includes a one-on-one meeting with the trainer. The remote training is asynchronous and can be done at your own pace.
In-person dates:
August 11 to 15, 2025, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Training Context
Complete Levels 1, 2 and 3 one after the other in this intensive 50-hour training.
In this training, discover ecotherapy, its definitions and theoretical foundations, its contribution to today's world for human development, its contributions to clinical work and the understanding of social problems. Learn about the various practices of ecotherapy and the benefits of working with nature.
Move from theory to practice and deepen your connection with nature in a professional context in order to integrate ecotherapy into your work in the office and outdoors. Develop your comfort level working outdoors and fostering a climate conducive to therapeutic work or intervention. In partnership with nature, work with confidence, professionalism and ethics.
Deepen your knowledge by diving into work with symbolism, nature cycles and attachment theory. Dare to innovate and learn from other professionals who are innovating in the field of ecotherapy.
This training is accompanied by two hours of individual meetings with the trainer, one before and one after the in-person training. You will also receive a box of the Wild Wandering nature connection deck of invitations.
The training is accredited by the Ordre des psychologues du Québec.
Prerequisite: none

Here is a complete and intensive program that combines professionalism and nature. Welcome, whether you are a social worker, psychologist, psychoeducator, coach, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, occupational therapist, nurse, etc.
The training is made up of practical activities, theoretical teachings, case studies and a supportive learning community so that you can really get the most out of it.
Course and educational framework
This 50-hour training is offered in two parts. First, upon registration, you will have access to a training platform to view theoretical teachings online, at your own pace. An individual meeting with the trainer will allow you to ask your questions, to deepen and share your personal needs related to the integration of ecotherapy in your work.
Then comes the 5 day in-person training. These days are made up of practical experiences and theoretical teachings. A second individual meeting with the trainer will take place at the end of the training to support you in integrating ecotherapy into your work.
DATE: August 11 to 15, 2025, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Different mediums are used to support learning:
Practical experimentation, both in the role of professional and in the role of client and observer (expect to experience therapy).
Theoretical presentations and professional discussions.
Case studies.
An online training platform offering readings, videos and intervention tools accessible at everyone's pace.
A learning community to refer to and discuss with.
Two individual meetings with the trainer.

Training goals
Understand the difference between ecotherapy, nature-supported psychotherapy and nature time prescription and know the theoretical foundations behind these approaches.
Know how to conduct a preliminary assessment to determine when, why and how to use nature to support a treatment plan/intervention plan/therapeutic process.
Know the nature-supported process and use different nature-supported intervention techniques to integrate it into your own practice.
Develop a relationship with nature that allows you to understand, know and anticipate a natural environment in order to acquire a sufficient level of comfort to accompany clients there and work in partnership with this environment.
For more specific objectives, you can refer to the different training courses (Level 1, 2 and 3 separately - in French) or reach out to me.

Specific training themes
Nature-Supported Intervention in a Professional Context
Legal Framework
Professional Ethics
Professional Posture
Ecotherapy and Nature-Supported Intervention
Scientifically Recognized Benefits for Physical and Mental Health
How and Why This Applies to Psychology
The Contribution of Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy to Clinical Work
Ecotherapy, an Inclusive Practice: A Look at the Place of First Nations Peoples and Cultural Communities and the History of the Dominant Culture in Relation to Nature. Decolonialism.
Anthropocentric, Ecocentric and Multicentric Perspectives to Generate Personal and Social Change
The Professional's Relationship with Nature
Developing an Intimate Relationship of Trust in Nature as a Lever for Intervention
Therapeutic Attitudes and Intervention Strategies
Integrating nature into the office
Prescribing time in nature
How to practice ecotherapy, how a meeting in nature unfolds.
The intervention framework
Intervention techniques and practical experiments
The intervention theories and approaches that support nature-supported intervention

Coûts et politique d'annulation
Cost: $2120 + Canadian taxes
Payable in one to 5 payments
Cancellation policy:
If the training does not take place, you will be fully refunded.
If you must cancel, your registration may be postponed to another training and the amounts paid will be deducted.
No refunds will be made for absenteeism or lack of personal commitment.
Only the hours for which you have participated in the training can be declared as part of a continuing education certificate.
If you have a financial condition that requires our attention in order to allow you to experience this training (e.g.: student, community organization, etc.), do not hesitate to contact us.

Payment method
To register or for more information, please contact us by email at the following address: infohumainetterre@gmail.com
It is possible to pay in one to 5 payments, depending on your preference. A payment arrangement can be made individually with you.
If you are a student or need another type of payment arrangement, do not hesitate to let us know.